Useful Links
You will find below a list of resources serving the population of our district which extends over three (3) regional county municipalities (RCMs), namely Beauharnois-Salaberry, Roussillon and Les Jardins Napierville, as well as the territory of Kahnawake.
In addition, we have listed some other sexual assault references allowing you to obtain information about existing services in your area.
CALACS Châteauguay – Sexual Assault Centre
Community group offering services to women 12 years of age and older who were victims of sexual assault. Free, confidential, bilingual and accessible services.
- Telephone counselling
- One-to-one meeting
- Support group
- Judicial accompaniment
- Support session for relatives and people helping the victim
Designated Centre for the Victims of Sexual Assault
Services offered to victims: children, teenagers, women and men in need of an evaluation of their physical condition, medical exam or the forensic exam.
Designated Centre on our Territory
Hôpital Anna-Laberge
200, boul. Brisebois, Châteauguay
Phone : 450 699-2425
Integrated health and social services centres (CISSS) – Integrated health and social services centres
Integrated health and social services centres (CISSS) and integrated university health and social services centres (CIUSSS) ensure accessibility, continuity and quality of services for people on their territory.
To contact the CISSS closest to you:
Phone : 1 877 644-4545
Website :
Regroupement Québécois des CALACS (RQCALACS)
Reunites the sexual assault centres of Quebec, mobilizes individuals and groups in the fight against sexual assault and works toward social and political change.
To contact the CALACS nearest you :
Phone : 514 529-5252 – Montreal
1 877 717-5252 – Outside of Montreal
Website :
Sexual Violence Helpline
Telephone counselling, information and referral to resources for assistance and protection for victims of sexual assault and their loved ones. Bilingual and confidential services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone : 514 933-9007 – Montreal
1 888 933-9007 – Outside of Montreal
Fondation Marie-Vincent – Montérégie
The foundation supports children and adolescents who are victims of sexual violence by providing them with all the services they need under one roof. 265 boul. D’Anjou, bureau 201 Châteauguay
Phone : 579 977-4681
514 285-0505 Services for families and professionals
Website : – Only certain information is available in English.
Concertation des luttes contre l’exploitation sexuelle (CLES) – Consultation in the fight against sexual exploitation
CLES Provides a space to speak freely and act together to find alternatives to prostitution. Offers support, listening, accompaniment, and health care by appointment.
Phone : 514 750-4535
514 601-4536 – nights and weekends
Email :
Website :
Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) – Complaint concerning psychological or sexual harassment
In the event of psychological or sexual harassment in the workplace, workers may file a labour standards complaint with the CNESST.
If the harassment resulted in a psychological injury certified by a physician, the worker could be compensated by the CNESST following a review of their file. In this case, the worker is advised to make a work accident claim and file a labour standards complaint.
If the complaint concerns discriminatory behaviour, a complaint may also be filed with the Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse.
Phone : 1 844 838-0808
Website :
Director of Youth Protection (DYP) – Directrice de la protection de la jeunesse (DPJ) de la Montérégie
If you believe that a child or teen is being severely neglected, or physically, psychologically or sexually abused, has been abandoned, or has serious behavioural problems involving drugs, attempted suicide, running away from home, or petty crimes, you have an obligation to report this situation to the Director of Youth Protection (DYP) for the Montérégie region.
If you are a professional who knows of a child or teen in this type of situation, the Youth Protection Act obliges you to immediately advise the Director of Youth Protection for the Montérégie region.
Reports to the DYP are confidential.
Phone : 1 800 361-5310 – 24/7
514-721-1811 – 24/7
Website :
Help and Information Centre on Workplace Harassment (GAIHST)
Community organization that helps people who have suffered sexual and/or psychological harassment at work.
Phone : 514 526-0789
Website :
Le Centre de Ressources et d’Intervention Pour Hommes Abusés Sexuellement dans leur Enfance – (CRIPHASE)
Support group for men sexually abused in childhood.
Phone : 514 529-5567
Email :
Website : – Only in French
Justice Québec
Victims of crime
To better understand the legal procedure and the penalties.
Website :
CAVAC – Crime Victims Assistance Centres
Crime Victims Assistance Centres, or CAVACs, offer front-line services to any crime victim or witness.
Phone : 1 866 532-2822
Website :
Complaint Assistance and Support Centre Monteregie
Independent regional organization, mandated by the Minister of Health and Social Services to offer support to users who wish to file a complaint.
Phone : 1 800 263-0670
Éducaloi is a neutral and independent organization with a recognized expertise in legal education and clear legal communication.
Phone : 1 800 561-4822
Website :
Juripop uses the law to enable all people to improve their living conditions, their economic capacity and their physical and mental health. To this end, Juripop creates innovative legal information projects and provides access to low-cost legal services.
Phone : 1 855-587-4767
Protecteur du citoyen
The Protecteur du citoyen examines complaints from individuals, businesses, groups or associations who believe they have been treated unfairly or incorrectly by a department or agency of the Government of Québec or by an institution in the health and social services network.
Phone : 514 873-2032 – Montreal
1 800 463-5070 – Toll-free from anywhere in Quebec
Association québécoise plaidoyer victimes (AQPV)
Promotes and defends the rights and interests of victims of crime. The organization produces information tools, directs victims to the appropriate services, campaigns for the rights and collective interests of victims, offers training to the people who accompany them and brings together members who are committed to defending their rights.
Phone : 514 526-9037
Website :
Here is one of their publications: “ Navigating your Way Through the Justice System ”
This guide presents the path of victims through the different stages of the legal process, from the call to the police services to the execution of the sentence.
To order the paper version, click here.
Other possible recourses
Justice system
Criminal process: The act of violence must be part of the Canadian Criminal Code (for example: sexual assault, trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, child pornography). The goal is to punish the criminal and ensure public safety. You will have to make a police report and a prosecutor will take care of prosecuting the aggressor. You may be called to testify.
Civil process: The objective is to obtain compensation for the damages caused to you. You will need to hire a lawyer who can represent you at trial.
You could bring a class action or join in such an action with other victims of the same person or institution. To bring a class action, you will need to hire a lawyer.
Alternative justice
The various restorative justice or citizen mediation programs are focused on repairing the harm caused. A competent entity will assess the possibility of responding to your request and the best way to act in your interest.
CEGEP, University or other post-secondary institution
These establishments are required to have a policy to prevent and combat sexual violence. It offers accommodation measures and measures to protect you from reprisals following a denunciation.
Military justice system
It previously operated in parallel with the civilian criminal justice system. If you had been the victim of a sexual crime committed by a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, a trial would have been held in the military tribunal. In addition, since 2022 trials have been held in a civil court like any other citizen.
Crimes Abroad
Canadians who have been victims of a serious and violent crime abroad may be eligible for financial assistance from the Victims Fund. Since April 1, 2007, financial assistance has been available to Canadians who are victims of serious and violent crimes on foreign territory for situations of undue hardship where no other source of financial assistance is available.
Professional order
Professionals, such as lawyers or health professionals, must comply with the rules of conduct of the order to which they belong. You can file a complaint with the order and the syndic will accompany and represent you.
You can terminate your lease with the Tribunal administratif du logement (formerly known as the Régie du logement) if you have been the victim of sexual violence in your home and you fear for your safety, or that of a minor living with you.
Sports activity
Sports associations and federations have policies to counter sexual violence. Athletes and coaches must follow a code of conduct. The Sport Integrity Protection Complaints Officer is an independent office that receives complaints and provides support throughout the process.
Confidential space for young people aged 20 and under who are looking for accurate information, an attentive ear and a space without judgement. A line where you can talk about anything. anytime and for any reason.
Phone : 514 288-1444
Website :
Kids Help Phone Line (Jeunesse, j’écoute)
Kids Help Phone Line is Canada’s only 24/7 mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.
Phone : 1 800 668-6868
Website :
Need Help Now (Aidez-moi SVP)
Website that deals with many subjects including cyberbullying. Several tools are available for young people and their parents.
Phone : None – Online only
Website :
Cybertip (Cyberaide) is Canada’s tipline for reporting the online sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Several tools available online
Phone : None – Several tools available online
Website :
C’est pas un jeu
C’est pas un jeu, c’est l’histoire de Kamila, Jessica, Kishi, et de bien d’autres filles. Des histoires inspirées du vécu de filles et de jeunes femmes des quatre coins du Québec qui ont eu recours aux services des Centres d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (CALACS) de leur région. Découvre leur histoire!
Website :
Projet XOX
Les objectifs du projet XOX sont de sensibiliser, d’outiller et de prévenir la violence dans les relations amoureuses.
Website :
Aneb – Anorexie et boulimie Québec
You are between 12 and 20 years old? Think you might be suffering from an eating disorder? Are you worried about a friend?
Text : 1 800 630-0907
Phone : 514 630-0907
1 800 630-0907
Website :
Les auberges du cœur
Accommodation for young people in difficulty and the homeless.
Phone : 1 866 992-6387
Website : – Only in French
Free professional support
To talk about anything at any time
Phone : 1 800 361-5085 – 24/7
Online chat – between 6 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.
Email : Personal response within 48 hours
Website : – Only in French
Drugs : Help and referral
Help and Referral (DHR) provides support, information and referrals to anyone worried about their use of drugs, alcohol and/or medication, as well as, to their loved ones.
Phone : 1 800 265-2626 – Everywhere in Quebec – 24/7
514 527-2626 – Montreal area – 24/7
Website :
Kateri Memorial Hospital
10 River Rd
Phone : 450 638-3930
Kahnawake Shakotila’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS)
1440, River Rd
Phone : 450 632-6880
Sken:nen A’Onsonton Alternative Dispute Resolution
Phone : 450 638-9052
Fax : 450 638-5930
Peace Keepers
Old Malone Hwy
Phone : 450 632-6505
Interligne is a front-line organization that, through its listening, intervention and awareness services, contributes to the well-being of people concerned with sexual diversity and gender plurality
Phone : 514 866-6788
Website :
Suicide Prevention Centre of Montreal
Suicide Action Montreal’s mission is to prevent suicide and its impacts by ensuring access to quality services for suicidal people, those around them and the workers who work with them.
Phone : 1 866 277-3553
Website :
Help and Information Centre on Workplace Harassment (GAIHST)
Community organization that helps people who have suffered sexual and/or psychological harassment at work.
Phone : 514 526-0789
Website :
SOS Violence Conjugale ligne aide
SOS violence conjugale is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help ensure the safety of victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) and that of their children throughout Quebec, by offering free, bilingual, anonymous and confidential referral services. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can provide direct access to information, support or shelter.
Phone : 1 800 363-9010 – 24/7
438 601-1211 – Texto
Website :
The Mistreatment Helpline
The mission of The Mistreatment Helpline is to establish and implement a national telephone line dedicated to listening, timely intervention, crisis management and specialized guidance regarding the mistreatment of older adults.
The Mistreatment Helpline offers you a confidential, bilingual and free service from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. – 7 days a week.
Phone: 1-888 489 2287
To obtain information regarding your concerns about your state of health or that of a loved one.
Phone : 811
Drugs : Help and referral
Help and Referral (DHR) provides support, information and referrals to anyone worried about their use of drugs, alcohol and/or medication, as well as, to their loved ones.
Phone : 1 800 265-2626 – Everywhere in Quebec – 24/7
514 527-2626 – Montreal area – 24/7
Website :
Others Professional Services
Some psychologists, social workers and sexologists are trained to work with victims of sexual assault. These professionals can help you overcome the effects of sexual assault.
Ordre des psychologues du Québec
To find the psychologist closest to you
Phone : 1 800 363-2644
Website :
Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec (OTSTCFQ)
The Order oversees the professions of social worker and marriage and family therapist, each with a specific field of practice clearly defined by the Professional Code of Quebec.
Phone : 1 888 731-9420
Website : – Only in French
The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC)
Website :
Ordre professionnel des sexologues du Québec (OPSQ)
The Order’s mission is to ensure the protection of the public by supervising, developing and maintaining the skills of sexologists.
Phone : 514 270-9289
Website : – Only in French
Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels (IVAC)
The Direction of IVAC is charged with compensating rescuers and crime victims. Benefits may vary with the circumstances involved.
Phone : 514 906-3019
Website :
Terminate your lease in situation of domestic violence or sexual assault
Ministère de la Justice
It is possible to put an end to your residential lease, that is to say that it be terminated, if your safety or that of a child living with you is threatened because of domestic violence on the part of your partner or your former intimate partner or sexual violence that you have suffered, regardless of who or violence against a child who lives in the dwelling covered by the lease.
Phone: 1-866 643 5140
Website :
Private Insurance
Check with your personal insurers. Somme insurers do cover various psychological services.
Employee Assistance Programs
Various workplaces have an employee assistance program which generally offers psychological assistance.
The Mistreatment Helpline
The mission of The Mistreatment Helpline is to establish and implement a national telephone line dedicated to listening, timely intervention, crisis management and specialized guidance regarding the mistreatment of older adults. The Mistreatment Helpline offers you a confidential, bilingual and free service from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. – 7 days a week.