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The day my life changed.

I walked onto the field once more afraid to face them once again. My past.

A fence could be a lot of things to many different people. The fence had always represented a prison to me. A place where I had been a victim. A place where children wounded me with their words, their hands and objects. The fence had become implanted in my mind. THE FENCE WAS DANGER !

Then one very cold day, I went to the field once more. I sat on the bench  and looked at the fence. But that day the fence looked different. I saw it through the innocence of a child. It was a playground to climb. A place to jump from. They walked across it. Their laughter replaced the fear. Their running replaced the anger. And for the first time in my life I found peace with the fence. It is no longer scary and intimidating. It’s no longer dangerous. IT IS NO LONGER YOUR FENCE (past) IT IS THE CHILDREN’S FENCE NOW.

– Cathy