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The Action-Prevention Group (GAP)

The Action-Prevention Group (GAP) has been located in Louis-Philippe-Paré High School since 2001, following the request of students who received the J’AVISE program (Jeunes en Action contre la VIolence SExuelle) and who wanted to get involved in raising awareness among other students and teachers about the problem of sexual assault. The students meet once a week after school to carry out awareness projects that they present to their peers.

Over the years, GAP students have carried out several projects:
  • The creation of the mural “Breaking the silence”;
  • The realization of the game “Snakes & Ladders” with a giant dice as well as the creation of questionnaires on the issue of sexual violence;
  • The composition and recording of the song “One in Three Girls”;
  • Acquiring the information board inside their school;
  • The creation of the project “Are Stereotypes your Type?” denouncing sexist advertising;
  • As well as several others.



Project 2003-2006 :

The mural «Breaking the silence». This mural was created to invite young people to break the silence surrounding the issue of sexual assault.

calacs-gap-jeu-serpents-et-echellesProject 2006-2007 :

The game «Snakes & Ladders». This game was created to raise students’ awareness on the issue of sexual violence. A questionnaire was also developed based on statistics and myths and prejudices about the issue.

Projet 2007-2008 :

This song was composed by members of the Action-Prevention Group (GAP) in 2008. The lyrics and music were written by students who wanted to make other young people aware of the reality of sexual assault.”

Project 2008-2009 :

Creation of a permanent monthly calendar located in the heart of Louis-Philippe-Paré High School to inform the youth in the community and share information on sexual violence.

Project 2009-2010 :

Creation of the GAP logo and pamphlet defining the group and their objectives.

Project 2010-2011 :

Organization of an evening to highlight the 10 years of involvement of a hundred young people since the beginning of the GAP at Louis-Philippe-Paré High School.

Project 2011-2012 :

Launch of a new project using photography to represent the diferent forms of sexual assault, in winter 2011. Unfortunately, the project could not be realized due to reasons beyond our control.

Project 2012-2013 :

Beginning of a new project where silhouettes of three girls and a boy were printed on “coroplast”. Subsequently, we cut out several sexist advertisements in different magazines and glued them on the silhouettes for display in the school in order to make students aware of sexist advertisements and their consequences;

Project 2013-2014 :

Finalization of the project “Are stereotypes your type?” which takes the form of four silhouettes 6 feet tall (3 women and 1 man) covered with advertisements: two of them present sexist and degrading advertisements for women, another exposes sexist advertisements towards men and the latter features healthy advertisements for women. Through this project, the students wanted to make other students in the school aware of the negative consequences of exposure to sexist advertisements as well as to denounce the stereotypes to which everyone is exposed.

Project 2014-2015 :

Organization of an awareness campaign under the theme “Breaking the Silence” was organized at the Louis-Philippe-Paré High School. This campaign included awareness posters installed inside the bathrooms of schools and youth centers in our district. In addition, awareness messages were broadcast over the intercom every school day.


Project 2014-2015 :​

Creation of three capsules:


When you insist, it's far from trivial!

“Just a joke... it's far from trivial! ”

“Sharing it... it’s far from trivial! ”

Project 2016-2017 :​

Design of a new logo to mark the 15th anniversary of the GAP and presentation of a video capsule produced last year: “When you insist, it’s far from trivial! ”.

Awareness messages on consent (once a week).

Project 2017-2018 :​

Creation of an awareness raising magazine on various topics concerning the issue of sexual violence distributed to school students.

Project 2018-2019 :​

Production of video clips in collaboration with the school management, on consent and hypersexualization, broadcasted on the school board’s website and our social networks.



Projet 2019-2020 :​

Development of an information and awareness mural in the school. The title was: “Breaking the Silence, Talking about Sexual Violence”. The project was interrupted by the beginning of the pandemic.

Project 2020-2021 :​

Creation of 4 awareness posters on trivialized forms of sexual assault. These posters were put up all over the school.

  • “It’s not rape, but… there are consequences! ”
  • “It’s not rape, but… it’s exhibitionism! ”
  • “ It’s not rape, but… it’s sexual harassment! ”
  • “ It’s not rape, but… it’s voyeurism! ”


Collaboration with Suzanne Zaccour on a video on rape culture and the trivialization of sexual violence, distributed to staff and students.

Project 2021-2022 :​

20th anniversary of the GAP

Creation of a bookmark to raise awareness of sexual violence experienced by women of diversity, distributed to school students at kiosks at lunchtime.


Project 2022-2023

Production of three podcasts on sexual assault. Several topics are discussed including forms of sexual assault, consent, helpful attitudes to adopt when disclosing, etc. GAP members also responded to questions posed anonymously by their peers.

The project launch took place on May 18 at the school auditorium.


You can see all the achievements of Action-Prevention Group (GAP) by clicking here.